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Statistics and indicators



Official data sources



Legal and financial parameters


2 200 000+

Companies in the database


100 000+

Successful checks of counterparties

Business Insights & Capabilities

Discover comprehensive insights on every company

Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Gain in-depth knowledge about your business partners with a detailed analysis, including credit rating, financial performance, legal disputes, company details, founders, and much more. This extensive information helps mitigate business risks and make informed decisions.

Executive Background Checks

Conduct thorough background checks on company executives and founders for any criminal records, involvement in questionable activities, and assess risk factors. Access detailed contact information and explore their professional network and associations with other entities.

Instant Access to Company Reports

Effortlessly obtain official documents, reports, and electronic extracts concerning any business. Our service ensures you have the necessary documentation at your fingertips, facilitating smoother business operations and due diligence processes.

What We Offer?

Advantages of Our Service

24/7 Availability

Our counterparty verification service is available around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ensuring uninterrupted access to vital information. This constant availability is essential for businesses operating in a global marketplace, offering the convenience of accessing services at any time.

Real-Time Relevance

Data is automatically updated in real-time, ensuring the information you receive is always current and relevant. Stay ahead with the most accurate and up-to-date information, empowering your business decisions with real-time insights.

Comprehensive Information

We provide a holistic view of companies, including detailed insights on executives, financial health, taxes, activities, and much more. Our service equips you with all the necessary information to make informed decisions, consolidating essential data into one accessible platform.

Reliable Open Sources

Our information is sourced from trusted, open government sources, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the data you rely on. Trust in our service to provide verified information, giving you peace of mind in its authenticity and precision.

How It Works

Counterparty Verification in 4 Steps

Query Composition

Enter the Individual Identification Number (IIN)/Business Identification Number (BIN), full name, company name, phone number, or address in the search bar and press the 'Enter' button. Our intuitive search functionality is designed to make it easy for you to start the verification process.

Selecting the Counterparty

Choose the required counterparty from the list and move to their information page. This step simplifies the process of finding the exact business or individual you're looking for, ensuring you have all the information you need at your fingertips.

Preliminary Report

View a brief overview of the counterpart's information, and if needed, log in to access a full report. This step provides a quick snapshot, allowing you to decide whether further details are necessary.

Detailed Report

Log in and with just one check, receive a comprehensive report about the counterparty. This final step delivers all the detailed insights you need for thorough due diligence, all in one convenient report.


Choose a suitable tariff plan

FreeFor a basic check

0 ₸ / month

10 checks daily

Registration data

Data on executives

Viewing risk factors

Court cases

Contacts of executives

Finance and taxes

Purchases and contracts

StandardFor frequent check-ups

5 000 ₸ / month

50 checks daily

Registration data

Data on executives

Viewing risk factors

Court cases

Contacts of executives

Finance and taxes

Purchases and contracts

Filtering in search

AdvancedFor mass check-ups

12 000 ₸ / month

200 checks daily

Registration data

Data on executives

Viewing risk factors

Court cases

Contacts of executives

Finance and taxes

Purchases and contracts

Filtering in search

Downloading reports and statements

Relations with other companies

API access